Saturday, June 20, 2009

Watch Out Sponsors, Mensa is After You

Bow down CBS sponsors. This ill informed group of nitwits has something to say. In case you missed it (unlikely) Dave Letterman was recently in some hot water over a joke he made about one of Sarah Palins daughters. Basically Sarah Palin attended a baseball game with her 14 yr. old daughter, Lettermans joke was "During the 7th inning her daugher was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez". The joke obviously was directed at Sarah Palins older daughter, who at the time of the presidential campaign was impregnated out of wedlock.
Letterman explained on a later episode that the information he had at the time he made the joke, was that the older daughter was in town.
But an explanation and an apology is not enough for these dolts. They will not be happy until they destroy a long and previously untainted career. The sad part is how viscious and uninformed they are. It's morons like these that got Imus fired. This is how it's supposed to work, if you don't like something you change the channel, if enough people change the channel the program loses money, and goes away. I don't want to lose things that I enjoy, because of people as moronic and ill informed as Brick Tamland.